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The Tightrope Walkers

David Almond / Tom Machell
“I was born in a hovel on the banks of the Tyne...” Dominic Hall grows up in the sixties on a brand-new estate along with the other families who escaped the river. But the Tyne is still an overwhelming presence and most of the fathers work in the shipyards. Dom is torn between his new mates: Holly Stroud his enchanting neighbour and Vincent McAlinden who's something else altogether - a wild dangerous boy with murderous instincts. After his mother's death Dom has to decide who he is what he wants to be - and then face up to the consequences.

  • Published by Isis Publishing Ltd
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre General Fiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 1st January 2015
  • Duration 06 Hrs. 28 Mins.
  • ISBN 9781445046426